Re: Oxygen Info ???
Stick to the original liquid oxygen product: Hydrogen Peroxide.
You can buy food grade 35% peroxide online or from your local health food store. There are protocols for oral use, topical skin application, peroxide baths, enemas, douches, etc, etc. Find one of these, and follow the protocol EXACTLY. If you have a chronic disease such as CFS, fibromyalgia, MCS, candidasis, lyme, lupus, AIDS, cancer, etc, be sure to start at a VERY low dose. Healthy people can tolerate quite high doses, while chronically ill people can't. Read up as much as you can on peroxide therapy, hyperthermia (hot baths and saunas), and cleansing reactions(herxhemier) . NOTHING will detox you faster than peroxide (or ozone therapy), so be prepared... Hyperthermia (hot baths or saunas) are essential for getting through the detox period. I've already posted quite a few links on this thread to get you started. There are also books available on the subject, often available at your local health food store.
Even if you don't have a serious chronic illness, I'd still reccomend peroxide over the liquid oxygen products, simply because it's so much more cost effective. According to the following article, $190 of the liquid oxygen product "SuperOxy" is equivalent to 10 cents of hydrogen peroxide!