Re: Nephillum????
Dear numbers,
You have either refused or found yourself unable to support your previous statements. Are you aware of the fact that you do not support your conclusions, through the study of Scripture?
If you are so certain of your understanding, then why is it that you don't show a misguided brother the error of his ways???
You have the benefit of the freinds you have, that surround you in this forum. Perhaps you could inquire of them to aid you in your efforts???
Is my request so unreasonable?
You are correct in that I speak nonsense. This is because your faith lies with your Church, from whence it came. The Word implicitly teaches us to have faith in The Word of God, first and foremost. That faith that you acquired through the deeds of your efforts, ensure you a seat in The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. If you should find yourself in a false christian Church, your reward will be small. Also, you will not be raptured along with the True Church. When the rapture occurs at the last trumpet, this truth will be revealed immediately to every believer on the planet.
If you cannot grasp the symbolism of dust, or even find it for that matter, then may I suggest that you read The Word of God So that you may reassess your fordrawn conclusion that my offeriis nonsense. The fact that you remain involved reveals that you are divided, does it not??? If there is no one to help you, then ask your questions and I will offer you my help, to the best of my ability. You are in studious company after all so there can't possibly be in any harm.
It's one or the other, numbers. Offer or ask. Shouting out NONSENSE!!! when it is not supported with reason is NONSENSE!!!
Christian love, Mr. Steve