Re: Nephillum????
Dear 44031,
Thank you for addressing me. Perfect man is spiritual, just as angels are more perfect beings than are we. Perfect Man is a little lower than the angels. Adam's perfection was made possible by the intoduction of the spirit into his being.
"Let {us} create Man in {Our} image, in {our} likeness" is vastly different from "God made Man in {His} image, in the image of {God} He created him; male and female He created them". Who is us??? who is our??? Why the discrepancy??? Why the redundancy???
They are two different events.
Science did in fact nail it, because they {we} figured out that modern man existed long before the Bible says Adam was bumped from the garden. It will have been exactly 6000 years, to the day on the spring solstice of 2008. It is derived from the Biblical Hebrew calander, as opposed to the gregorian calander that we all use. In the Hebrew way, the night preceeds the day, as Genesis will confirm. The correct way to deduce when a day begins, is to follow the Hebrew way. The day begins at 6:00 p.m. First the darkness and then the light. First the physical and then the spiritual. First the corruptable and then the incorruptable. First Satan and then Jesus.
You don't really think that God is going to recreate you into an angel, or spirit being, just because you decided to get water baptized, do you??? We must earn our perfection, with God's help! Water baptism is just the first step. we are asking for His help in guiding us toward that goal. The water baptized still continuing sinning, right??? so where is the lesson in that??? Adam was the introduction of The Spirit into man's consciousness.
You will notice that the Scriptures state, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it". If He "took the man" and then placed him in the Garden, where did He take him from??? The Lord God breathed the breath of "spiritual" life into the man. Just as Physical Man is given the gift of Life freely, Adam was given the gift of spiritual life, freely. Of course he managed to blow it, just as we, his sons do, regardless of water baptism.
Do you think it a coincidence that the first woman, who was deceived, and created from the one of twelve ribs, of the man, happens to coincide with the twelve apostles and Judas??? Or perhaps it is is also a coincidence that Man requires one third, or eight hours of sleep,{in the darkness}, and one third of the body of Holy angels fell into that same darkness.
You still don't see??? As I covered earlier, with my brother Beej, the water baptism of John was a cleansing of past sin. What did God do to the nephilim??? He cleansed the world of it's past sin, didn't He??? But the world became filthy again didn't it. So there is a further baptism, a baptism of blood. It is today commonly called Armeggedon. But wait!!! There is more. What occurred on the Cross of The Christ??? His side was pierced, and what ensued??? The water and the blood. For that matter, what occurs when a new soul is brought forth??? First the womans water breaks, and then the blood, followed by the entrance of a new creation. Praise be to God.
So rice is symbolic of something is it??? Would you care to share a Scriptural verse to support that wisdom? Being as it is, that you have such a profound knowledge of the God of your worship. I have been judged for offering nonsense by you. Have the Scriptures not been fulfilled??? "Judge not, lest you yourself be judged" The dead see the Word of God as nonsense. Bring your heart into it's right condition, that you may see. The Great Day of The Lord is at the door, which is your heart, for anyone that may still suspect that I have come from God, at His request.
I have many Bibles, however my most informative of the lot are the Greek and Hebrew Interlinear, as it is Our Lord did not choose to speak with us in the language we currently employ.
Christian love to you, Mr. Steve