Re: Seaweeds for your iron deficiency,
and a good source of vitamin C.
Dear 34548,
If you prefer taking vitamin C in capsules, then I guess you can buy a machine and do that. However, it is very easy to take the
crystals, using the little white spoon, I
suggest you try it that way for a month,
and then get the capsule machine, if you're
so inclined.
Here are a couple of other suggestions that
may help you:
1) Grind your own golden flaxseed -- about
3 tablespoons each day -- and add it to a glass of juice. Flaxseed is THE best source
of omega-3 fatty acids. Processed food is
composed almost entirely of omega-6 fatty
acids. You need a healthy balance of both
omega-3s and omega-6s. Grind the flax in a
mini coffee-grinder, and then eat it immediately. Not 3 hours later, but immediately. Flaxseed loses much of its nutritive power if you don't consume it pronto. For that reason, don't ever buy
a package of flaxseed powder. It's a waste
of money. Your own fresh-ground, organic
golden flaxseed will make a major contribution
to putting you on the Healing Path.
2) Consider buying a water distiller, so you
can make your own pristine, pure water. Go to
my website/archive, and read why I drink
distilled water. The address is at the end
of this message. While you're there, read
some of the other posts in the Healing and
Nutrition sections.
3) Have you done any internal cleanses? If not, you should. Chances are good that your
liver, intestinal tract, and kidneys need
to be cleansed of toxins. If you ate the SAD
diet for years, then your liver is probably
full of stones. You need to flush out all that
accumulated gunk, if you want to regain your
health. It's not difficult, and it's not
expensive. CZ is a very good place to learn
about internal cleanses.
4) I suggest you take a first-rate multi-vitamin supplement, as well as digestive
enzymes with each meal. The enzymes will make
an enormous difference in your health. Read
about them on my website, and why they are
critically important. There are lots of good
multi-vitamins. I prefer Daily Advantage from
Mountain Home Nutritionals.
Last suggestion for now: Buy a copy of Paul
Pitchford's wonderful book, Healing With Whole
Foods. It will teach you all kinds of things
that you need to know, and pay back its cost
a thousandfold over the course of your long
and healthy life.
Be positive and confident. The best part of
your life is ahead of you. Don't doubt that for a moment.