Re: Anyone have or heard of colonic inertia?
Cascara sagrada bark, barberry bark, cayenne pepper, ginger root, lobelia herb, red raspberry leaf, turkey rhubarb root, fennel seed and golden seal root.
Barefoot adds a few other things to this recipe—olive leaf being one.
But -- it sounds as though you are already convinced the cascara sagrada is a problem. I can’t tell whether this is due to something you’ve heard, or whether it is your own innate knowing (intuition or testing via kinesiology) before or after taking what you are taking now, that has had you come to this decision.
You say you want to stop this Schulz formula you are taking, after taking it for one week, and yet, you should know many who’ve taken the *Christopher formula* know that it can take nine months of these herbs working together, to rebuild the bowel. The herbs are doing far more than promoting peristaltic action.
His name is John R. Christopher, if you want to read up on him.
Perhaps someone will answer you in the Barefoot forum, sometime soon.
I get the impression you are taking too many things….and maybe confusing the system. I strongly suggest you look for good
Sea Salt at a health food store, as has been recommended. There's good info in this thread. Don’t take any dewormers. Not yet.
You cannot expect to clear
parasites if the bowels are not flowing correctly.
And yours are seriously not. :-( Focus only on that, and the water with
Sea Salt …and certainly don’t take any fiber caps>> like psyllium. Try to think simply—one step at a time.
The more information you ask for, the more suggestions you will get, and you may end up in a whirlwind of your own making.
If you really feel the Schulz is not good for you, maybe consider the Christopher formula, or the Barefoot version. Or maybe you just need to persist, and take more water (With the salt) It is hard for me to imagine being as constipated
as you describe. Ask yourself- When did it start, and what changed for you?
there is a key in there somewhere.
warm wishes