Re: Anyone have or heard of colonic inertia? *edited
I suggest you go looking in at the
Ask Barefoot Herbalist Forum ...
He makes a herbal formula based on one of the late Dr. Christopher's; many people swear by it. But one thing--it is to rebuild the whole colon/digestive system and this will take nine months...herbal ways are not instant. It's a strengthener, not a purgative, as
Epsom Salts (taken the way you are taking them)and laxatives are.
You are right to be concerned that at your age this is what you face--on the other hand, you are young and now is the optimal time to restore your health. Do that, and you decrease your chances of suffering with many symptoms that we are led to believe are to be expected.
You will have to address the whole terrain...look at what you eat, and what kind of liquids you get. You should have half your body weight in pure water daily.
*this is outside of any other liquids you drink. And a little unprocessed
Sea Salt or Himalayan salt added to the water is very good for you; it helps the water to be retained by the body, and allows the 80 or so trace minerals to be absorbed. If you drink anything unnatural ("pop", processed juice "beverages" etc., alcohol,)you will actually be in *deficit* for every drink consumed. This alone can cause severe colon problems.
Many people can't quite grasp how this could be, thinking: "well, it's liquid", but your body, in its wisdom, tries to get rid of such stuff, and will go into *debt*
to do so,using up its mineral reserves, which are crucial to every bodily function. Dehydration in itself, creates an acid pH which is a sure sign of
dis-ease. And this is not even dealing with the various ways foods can clog and paralyze a system.
Coffee -of course- and no water, (as is quite common) is a prescription for trouble. (My sister-in-law who lived on coffee and cigarettes all through university and suffered debilitating constipation at times, finally developed colon cancer, about fifteeen years later, and only now, has begun to appreciate the full truth of water. She is well now, fortunately, and very lucky, I'd say.)
*end edit
There are many other *basics* that have been repeated here many times. If you google "terrain" on curezone, you will probably come up with some great posts. Check the R messages on this forum (and others) too.