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I can understand
Wrenn Views: 2,785
Published: 19 y
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I can understand

Not wanting to use government programs etc.
They can beome cycles of them selves, that often end up
with whole generations of families attached eventually,
dependent on.

No i never ever meant to check into welfare, or stamps etc.

I was just trying to think RIGHT NOW... where will you sleep tonight,
and get a meal and shower, so you can get your head together,
to think what you need to do.
but I have lived out of a car before lol!

Til I got a paycheck, and hand washed in gas station bathroom.
And I really do understand the homeless issue/since that
was a major part of my childhood.

Some jobs will advance you some money,
if you are honest and say can I have 1/2 my weeks pay
to at least rent a room somwhere.

this is another area you might check out.
Some folks looking for roomates have already paid the
months rent, and will need help the following month,
or be willing to wait a couple weeks for you to come up
with your share.

Since you have lived there 11 years at least,
do you have aNY friend that would let you sleep on couch?
in return for house cleanup / etc? for even a month,
til you get stabilised?

Sure hoping that things work out for you ,
and I am sure they will.
Take time to rest, get alone, go to a park,
and don't think/worry , just let random thoughts
in and toss out ones that will not work for you,
or think of other ways you might accomplish the same thing.

I don't think the cc company can get you for someone elses card,
if he was primary holder (your ex)
the companies will tell you this of course lol !
esp if you can prove it was not your charges and even HIS
family memember.
were you /are you married? esp if not married..
they can't go after you for his familycharges on a card that
was not primarily issued in your name..
you are just an additional card holder on his account,
so he is reponsible. any court would back that up.
or if he took you to court, you would only be repsonsible
MAYBE for only your share.and then at a rate that you can repay,
even if just 10=15 $ a month.

get in contact with your legal aide services and also check
out cc federal commissions protects for cc (companies)
unfair practices.
They cannot harrass you if told to cease all contact with you ,
except by mail they have to comply or face large penalties
if you report them.
They also can't infer that they can take property, or put you in jail,
or threaten cour t action , unless they hav e already begun
steps in that direction. generally a valid cc debt will goto
collections companies/when they do , they stopp having % interest
compounded, and HAVE to accept minimum cost that YOU choose to pay.
so if you honestly can't make payments , seriously ,
let it go for 6 months then it will goto collections,
and the one repsonsible can then pay what they can.
You can also dispute the debt because of all of the above reasons,
but I seriously doubt they can go after you, if you were not
married and just additional card holder.
Legally they can only go after him and they know it..
your state legal aide services can answer this for you ,
and they often give free consultations and esp reduced rates
based on income lvl .

so DO NOT let this be a focal point in your life right now,
and tell them to cease all contact except by mail.
they HAVE to comply/

Ami Joi Benton


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