Just when I thought I had no more tears left.Thank you so much for your story. I knew that you and I had a lot in common and I believe that is why we bumped heads so hard a while back. Are you aware that alcohol abuse and and the other kinds of abuse are TWO seperate issues and must be dealth with seperately ? I know that information is useless to you now...hopefully it can help some one else. Ya know, yesterday morning I would have done any thing for this man I have loved and lived with for over 11 years. Today all I want is to be gone and never to hear from him or any of his family ever again. It is strange how one sick phone call can change every thing. I am glad for the phone call now, it cleared my thinking. I have to file the restraining order tomorrow. I have to come up with some money to leave with. I have to get my ID current..all I have is a Hawaii State Driver's License, expired. I have many things to do and and not enough time to do them. I am sure he will talk his way out and if not his family will bail him out tomorrow after noon any how. I wish I knew for sure if the brother is on the plane or on island now. He will not call me back on the phone. The only one that will talk to me is the Mother. I need to hear it from him, his self that he is not coming over to Oahu from Kauai. I have every thing on police reports...I let the police officer listen to the message that was left on my voice mail. I am sick, tired and want out. Thanks for listening.