I am sorry that you went throught it that long. Hind sight is 20/20/. I am done. I am glad that his brother called me up and threatened me because it gave me the shove in the right direction...outta here. I file a restraining order in the morning if I survive the night. I am going to rest in a while and get up and start selling things out of the house to get up money to leave on. Here I am at age 52 wondering if I can walk down the streets or if one of his sick family members is out there waiting. There are many of them, one of me. I hope they put my ol man under the jail. I really do. They won't do that though, they will release him from jail tomorrow afternoon with a slap on the wrist. He will be charged with a misdeameanor: "Abuse of a family member." No way can I possibly get out of here that fast. I have to current ID and I cannot get on a plane with out one. I have no bank account for any one to send money to so I can leave. I have to take the bus to get any thing done and be watching for his sick family over my shoulder. The cops are more afraid of a domestic than any other thing. They take thier time getting to the scene when you call 911. If I need to call 911 again I will say that my house is on fire. They will be here in less than one minute.