I am sorry to hear about your injuries.
I have several thoughts come to mind, please bear with me,
as I do not intend them disrepectfully ,
but since you say you love him , and were going thru counseling,
then it seems a bit of *gleaning * might be useful.
( you don't need to answer this, just ask of yourself)
play detective with yourself... since it is a very personal issue
!st question : ask yourself..
If you have lived together 11 years, has this been an ongoing issue?
(beatings? ).. if so , why did you choose to remain?
IF not :(if this is a rare occurance if even the first)
then next question comes to mind.
then question #2: What triggered this one?
Most men that do not ususally beat, need a really big thing to
trigger them to do so... what is going on in his life that is
personally affecting him.. to take it out on YOU?
A note:
Any family couselor woudl probably give you this advice.
In instances where there has been a breakdown of respect within a relationship,
that demeans the other, esp in verbal or physical abuse..
a separation is suggested COMPLETE no visit except at a counselors office..
for minimum 6 months upto a year depending on intensity of occurances.
( this being IF both parties want to even try to rebuild the relationship,
both must be willing or it is useless to even consider a separation,
just make the break / or divorce or whatever)
There can be no relationship if either side is unwilling to try to mend it.
Generally , it is left up to the parties to decide who moves out.
Whoever holds the lease on the place or owns the residence,
can also choose to request that police be present, on a scheduled day to get
your things or for him to get his.
If you are the one moving out, then you too can ask police be present.
If a person does not return your items, you can take him to court,
to obain them and or if he has dumped them or sold them ,
you can legally get back full replacement value of such items,
if you have witnesses that can state yes in fact you did have a guitar there
etc.. so this is an avenue you might need to pursue if he does not give you
your belongings. (and vice versa) it works both ways.. so if you move,
take only your things.
In this event, he woudl be issued a court ordered judgement to repay you x $
per month and a set up pymt date would be set.
If he fails to make payment to you, (it being a court ordered judgement,)
then he can be wage garnished next and even picked up /held in jail,
for ignoring a court order.
when 2 folks have broken down to such a level in a relationship,
it makes common sense to not stay when you can live elsewhere in peace
anyhow. If you own the place (you said that you would not leave your own house)
Then, send him a letter thru an attorney if you can, for verification...
(state legal services can do this also, and work on sliding income scale)
(an attorney fee to have a letter drawn up and delivered would not be a high cost)
at minimum, make a copy of original letter.. and send him letter certified,
so you get a reciept back that he dod recive the letter (sig request)
telling him several dates that he can come and get his stuff.
And to notify you as to what dat ehe chooses, what time, and then ask police to be present.
If he does damage to your home while there, or to your belongings,
you can take him to civil court.
(this also works both ways..
so be careful what you do , no matter how upset you are.
Unfortuneately someone saying *don't mess with me*
is not a threat of physical harm.
Words need to be specific, and or intention explicet.
If he has asked his brother to go get his stuff,
then his brother has a right to do so.
request that police be present to ensure only his stuff gets taken out.
apparently you are both on same wavelength at least on that.
his brother comming to ge this things, and you wanting him out.
I am sure this will resolve itself as far as the moving business.
whoever has name on lease or owns the residence has more say in who goes.
if it is joint, then you need to reach an agreement as to how you will deal
with mortgage or rental..ie: who will take over the payments.
Hang in there time will pass it on by ,
in mean time, don't let yourself do things out of emotional upset,
that might come back and bite you , tempting as it may be right now..
Best of hopes for you in this most stressful time of your life.
Sincerely ,
Ami Joi Benton