Nope, never smoked in my life and few alcohol intake.
Also jaundice, probably not. Although I once got a question from the dentist if I drink coffee/tea a lot (which I don't) due to slight yellowing of the teeth while I brush twice a day. So jaundice not, or slightly.
Also I do Not have the following symptoms:
- vomiting
- wrong color stool
- belly pains (only had specific strong lower abdominal pains)
- headaches
- coughs
Only eight years of IBS. Officially diagnosed four years ago with IBS and Gilbert Syndrome. Periods with very strong lower abdominal cramps after dinner with diarrhea have reduced since then due to healthier food. Elevated billirubin. Other blood levels normal. And what I notice: slight underweight. Sugar craving. Floating, fat stool. Undigested foods. Fatiqued