Re: I'm getting SERIOUSLY worried and concerned at this point
Well, It'd be hard to put my brain into how things will work out with the coingrass and malic acid, and stuff.
I tend to think in terms of what feeds biofilms, and what kills 'em.. so..
GCG - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory (likely helps reduce biofilmic activity)
Malic acid - can feed biofilms
cooked veggies - easy for biofilms to digest
choline supplement - can be useful, so long as the problem isn't in the first 1-3 feet of your digestive tract. Otherwise, it's bugfood.
activated charcoal - no probs, neutral to biofilms
enemas - also neutral to biofilms.
Epsom Salt footbath-
Instead of drinking the
Epsom Salts and putting the magnesium sulfate (
Epsom Salts are basically fertalizer!) right into your gut and bloodstream, you can stick your feet in it in warm water.
The skin has little channels next to each sweat pore to recapture valuable minerals, so that sweating doesn't dehydrate you (as much as it has the potential to do). These pores are pretty greedy if you supply a mineral in rich quantities - for example, salt, iodine, calcium and trace minerals in seawater.. you know folk usually feel good after a day out on the beach, swimming and sunning themselves, yes? Basically they just gave their whole skin a really good drink of electrolytes and minerals!
So the skin drinks back in as much minerals that are usually lost in sweat. It's a recycling system. The feet absorb minerals really well, so having a relaxing footsoak or bath really gets those minerals in, without them getting stolen or processed into gook by biofilms living in the gut.
I can't say at this point if liverflushing is what is needed. Just that there's some work that needs to be done on the gut lining and gentle cleansing. All the herbs and stuff.. well, you know what makes you feel good, and we all agree on loving castor oil! (And myself, olive oil, pumpkin seed oil, avacado oil, coconut oil, hemp oil) 8-) (nerdy smile).
Do you ever go to the sauna and try and sweat out the stuff from the lymph system instead of the liver flushing? I usually feel a lot better when fresh out of the sauna or done with a good walk or a
Bentonite bath.
Oi. I do wish I had some straightforewards instruction or something like that to give, but the best I can think of right now is raw fruits and a good trampoline bounce <:)
Been listening to mister lymph for some review on the whole detox system.. ( ) All based on fats? Like a second blood system? weird, neat and wild.