Re: I'm getting SERIOUSLY worried and concerned at this point
Everything you have done is a purge. Not everyone handles purges well, certainly not when you do so many in a short period of time.
Think about it: These are all purges. What is a purge? It is where you force your body to do something it does not want to do.
Salt Water enema
Liver flush
Oxypowder again
Oxypowder again
More Epson salt
Castor oil orally
More salt water enemas
Yes, you should be worried and scared, yet you are planning more purges. Stop, for the love of God. You are not toxic and you don't need any more "cleanses".
If you live in a city, maybe you could find a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and they can get you back on track. Maybe. In the meantime, maybe you could try a little bit of nice warm miso soup made from unpasteurized miso, just a bit, and see what happens.
I hope you can straighten this out. No more purges for you, ever. Your constitution is not strong enough to handle this if you already have candida.