Re: Desperately need help.Very serious.
h202 is safe to drink, you have to take is correctly. its water with an extra oxygen molecule, thats it.
your emotions, I have that problem too. they are triggering from many different things, and mostly your infection, because your body is acidic, the negative emotions create a vicious cycle, and yes its torture.
you must try yoga, stretching, deep breathing, and emotional release techniques.
if you don't release your emotions, you create a ball in your stomach, that tension in your stomach creates various infections, and disease. this emotional block in your stomach can wreak havoc on your body, and you may be creating a vicious cycle with your emotions by recycling them vs. releasing them.
thats what
parasites or any bacteria, viral, fungal infections want, is to feed off of your emotions. do not suppress the emotion, i still do that too, and its the worst. you must not hold your breath, it takes time and being the observer of how you breathe is not easy.
most diseases are caused or are activated when we cannot release our emotions, in a safe effective way.
the only thing that works is like emotional exorcism, deep breathing. you can start deep breathing when your belly trembles its an emotion that wants to be released, than you can silently or actually scream, and tense your entire body, shake, do whatever you have to do to release your emotions.
having an emotional mood swing, is not the same as an emotional release.