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Re: Blind religion vs. obvious Truth.
vektek Views: 978
Published: 11 y
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Re: Blind religion vs. obvious Truth.

I believe that God puts the call out to everyone as well. That's why we are commanded to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth. I also believe that God has a general love for everyone. For example, he sends the sunshine and the rain for the righteous and the unrighteous.
But I believe he has a special everlasting effectual love for His sheep:

John 17:9
I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours.

"So can I ask, what led you to believe the way you do on this topic?"

At the time I came to believe what I believe about this topic, I had just come out of a cult I grew up in. My parents had just divorced. And I had lost contact with all my friends I grew up with since everyone kind of went their separate ways after a big split happened in the church I grew up in. So it was a very hard time for me. I remember my dad and I were painting my room. I didn't have the best relationship with my dad at the time but we were doing this project together and we started talking. That is when he brought up this subject, about God being the one that chooses us, before we can choose him. With my emotions all over the place with all I was going through, I remember feeling like I was just going to explode. So I excused myself, went to the bathroom, and literally bawled and bawled, and I told God that I didn't know what to believe anymore, that everything was so confusing, and that I felt like I was having to relearn everything I had ever learned in my life. I was about nineteen at the time. I continued to pray and I told God that I just wanted truth, more than anything, that I was tired of being mislead and that I didn't care what the truth was, or how hard it was to accept, that I just wanted truth and I begged him to show me the truth about this. And it was very soon after that, that the scriptures became very plain to me and I could not deny what they were saying. And from then on, I saw it all through out the bible. Then I watched my sister argue for the next several years over this topic with my dad. She was very much against it and thought it was evil what my dad was saying. But then years later, she came to believe it too. I have seen tons of people fight it and fight it, and then finally they see it and can't deny it.



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