Re: Quick question about diet (grains)
Dude, you surely must be dead right now and writing this from the grave, as you were already almost dead weeks ago, and you've been getting worse ever day ever since? :) Maybe a xanax might be a good idea for a few days, as the stress and being consumed by it all is only going to me making things worse.
Have you tried taking a high dose Molydebum throughout the day at three points, I found this really helped when I had candida out of control. This combined with Custom Probiotics D Lactate Free..however I also found living a low carb diet was stupid, since I started eating carbs again, my stomach and brain fog has been sorting itself out again.
When I was living on quinoa, vegetables and protien, I became allergic to nearly all food groups. Living a diet that is the same everyday really messed me up. I cant even touch quinoa now, which is a shame as I do love it.