Re: Warrior Diet meal schedule (nocturnal eating) helps get rid of brain fog.
Wow, all this time I thought some vegans get better when eating meat because meat is more calorie-dense, but the whole time it was because meat is just more lifeforce-dense. What a coincidence.
Look dear, when you come back down from the cosmic clouds, the reason people hate me is I don't coddle and enable people, I give true support by advocating what I believe is the ways to true healing and not bandaiding and some people just can't fess up to the truth about why they got sick or why they are not getting better.
Look at the people who hate me the most, those who developed problems on a calorie-restricted vegan or raw diet (whether intentional or accidental), having problems on a high-fat diet, and those who self-diagnosed themselves with
parasites but all their tests come back negative and nothing they try rids what they think they have.
Hugs and kisses are great, but not when it encourages people to keep going down the wrong path.