Re: GAPS + Warrior diet for fatigue, brain fog, indigestion,
Schulze never used a low fat diet, plenty of coffee enemas, and about a thousand other things that are not in doug graham's world. Schulze has a good program as he takes into consideration the entire body. However, I wonder how effective it is nowadays because things have gotten a lot worse in the past 50 years. His program is anything but the simplistic nonsense being fed to people by the fruiters. Also he recommends a much more balanced diet. Not even in the same universe as the fruiters.
Gerson used raw calf liver. Is raw calf liver vegan?
Charlotte may have altered the current program to include some animal products - not sure. I think they use cod liver oil.
If you want to use
coffee enemas to clean out the liver, that's a good option, but eventually you have to keep that system running, and how do you do it without fats?????
At a certain point you will probably not want to stick tubes up your behind and try to live as normal a life as possible.
Gerson's was mainly a cancer program, though I'm sure there were some adrenal people in the mix since he treated so many people. I'm not sure how they would fare with specific adrenal cases, with the high potassium, low sodium diet. And I'm not sure how he would fare with radiation and metal poisonings. I'd bet you that he would alter his program to get the best results and not stick to any rigid program - that's how he discovered his program in the first place.
Recovering from terminal cancer is a different animal than adrenal fatigue. Maybe some of those terminal cancer people were cured and then reached the exalted state of low energy and adrenal fatigue, and were very happy to be alive. Who knows.
I have not once specified exactly what people should eat, if you paid any attention. That sort of behavior is for the lower orders of forum trolls.
The fruiters seem to like to portray life in very extreme (manic?) terms, as if the only options are to eat only raw fruit or to stuff your face with mcdonald's big macs and shun all vegetables. Is there any room for moderation in your world?