I agree that Ayurveda certainly needs some upgrade. The only references that modern Ayurveda relies on are seriously old. It's certainly good to keep up the tradition and it's great that we can learn about the philosophical basics of it, but it surely does need re-adjusting and upgrading on a constant basis. There are toxins and diseases that didn't exist couple thousand years ago, the demands of our life are completely different from what they used to be in traditional societies. How can we not upgrade the Ayurvedic theory?
I agree, the Earth and the people now are in a serious Vata imbalance. High rate of mental illness reflects that. Diet surely could help balancing that. Also, constant extrovert life that we are living now is pretty taxing on us, we become weaker, more empty and less stable. Hm, I wonder what people were like in Kapha times? Do you think our modern global Vata disorder is logical for Kali Yuga era? (
I liked your logic about animals being balanced through diet: smaller lighter creatures like birds eating worms and big strong animals like elephants living on plant foods. It makes sense. So, people would fit somewhere in between little birds and elephants?
I think the whole thing about meat eating and vegetarianism became such a heated discussion because from what I learn from history, abstaining from meat might have been a form of spiritual discipline, on a temporary or constant basis. People who manged to live without animal food probably were regarded higher. Hence the common modern arrogance of those who do not eat animal flesh.
It may be in our very genes to strive for spiritual excellence and use abstaining from meat as a grading system for spiritual progress... possibly... I don't know, just looking for possible explanation of the whole vegetarian/vegan phenomenon. It can't be just lack of stomach acid, I think there is more to it.
It also maybe a balancing act. You know that when there is too much of certain things in society there would be also something to balance it out with the opposite phenomenon. Like severe isolation of women in Islamic countries would be balanced out by extrovert frivolous female behavior patterns in other countries? What if vegetarian/vegan phenomenon is a possible balancing act for those who eat too much meat, like steaks on a daily basis. Evolutionary people have developed eat in moderation.
I would suspect that it's possible that long time before we developed this Vata disorder we had much stronger bodies and minds and could well lived on plant foods. Now, we are physically and mentally weak and cannot compete with our ancient ancestors. We've been watching Vishnu Puran series recently, and it is mentioned there that people were able to live without food for months or even years. But at the same time they always refer to even the most wealthy and most spiritually advanced people going to hunt... Ayurveda certainly doesn't show us a complete picture.
You are right, meat surely has energy restoring properties as it is dense in vitamins, especially B-vitamins, proteins, fats and minerals. The question is whether a particular individual needs to have it on a regular basis, occasionally, or only in times of actual weakness or disease, or even live without it because it's what is best for them with their particular body type, gender, age, state of health, type of occupation, geographic location and genetic background. If you take all these variables into the equation of an individual diet, all sorts of variations are possible and no "standard", or average diet is possible.
I agree everybody is different and whatever works for someone is not going to work for another person even in the same conditions. That's why I specifically mentioned my body type, age, gender, height, ethnicity and warned that Warrior diet, or even GAPS diet may not suit just everybody. I just provided an observation for a particular case for a particular person in a particular situation. My story of personal observation is not a recommendation for everybody. Each individual diet should be planned only individually. I am not here to do that in a general discussion, that would be illogical and simply impossible. My intent was to provide whatever theory I have learned and tried, as a possible reference, not as an instruction.
I think it would be wonderful if people at least learned to distinguish their own body type (be it Ayurvedic typing, nutritional, Greek, or Chinese). Then, plan their diet accordingly. Then, there should be considerations for age groups, gender, etc. It is much more complex than we think.