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Re: I know a better whole food vitamin source
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Re: I know a better whole food vitamin source

Faith I tried for almost 4 years to heal myself with food alone. I was very adamant about getting off all drugs and synthetic vitamins etc.

For the first 2 years I was put on the Specific Carb Diet because of food allergies . Then I spent 2 years with the raw foods. Biggest mistake for both my husband and I. After all of this and extensive parasite cleansing I crashed severely. My diet had been very clean for 4 years and my hair test showed severely depleted mineral levels. How was this possible?

Then the last year I switched to my present Larry Wilson all cooked no fruit diet with supplements and digestive enzymes. It was explained to me that it would be next to impossible to eat my way out of these mineral deficiencies alone. Believe me I did not want to take any supps. But I wasn't getting any better doing it my way. I have come to know that a synthetic mineral is better than a heavy metal that is just waiting to take up space in the body. These synthetic minerals do work as my levels are climbing and the aluminum is way down from a year ago. Hubby has dumped lots of cadmium and aluminum as well.

My alternative doc here is the one who is all for taking minerals. If you read Dr. Eck's work he also confirms this.

Faith, you have to consider that most of the factory farmed foods we eat are grown on very poor soil. Food today is not what it used to be 50 years ago in terms of mineral content. So I am now a believer as to the power of excellent diet along with supplementation along with digestive enzymes. I mean we can eat the best diet possible but if we aren't digesting anything we are not going to get very far. At least that was my experience.

So yeah... I totally understand how you might disagree because a few years back I would have disagreed also.

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