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Re: I know a better whole food vitamin source
natway Views: 4,442
Published: 11 y
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Re: I know a better whole food vitamin source

I'm so happy to hear you got your AF healed!

I do still suffer from AF, gall and insomnia problems that all started on my high animal protein way of eating before healing my Toxic Hunger (hypoglycemic symptoms) with a plant based diet. Gall is a lot better now, but not out of the woods. AF slowly getting better and I've always had insomnia problems which I'm sure helped lead the way to my other problems.

I'm not suggesting everyone stop their supplements or that all of them don't work, but it's obvious the first choice of most people here have been gobbling down a ton of supps hoping for a quick fix. If that works for someone, great! I'm only chiming in to people who I've seen constantly struggling here for a long time and think a different supp or a better brand is going to be their magic pill. I pray it does, I'd have to bet though that it doesn't.

If I may ask you a couple of questions, why do you think a diet in the direction I'm advocating would send you back to AF? What has your glucose readings been lately?

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