Re: High fat caused my condition, points to causing Candidiasis & Diabetes T2
I'm certainly not saying bad diet is the only way one can get Candidiasis, just noticing it seems to be the predominant reason on this forum.
About Type 2 Diabetes, I don't know how a person becomes obese without eating excess fat? Fat is 45% more calorie-dense than carbs or protein. A person has to eat both high carb
and high fat to become obese, otherwise all those high-carbers at
would be obese!
My condition gave my hypoglycemic-like symptoms. One fasting blood test showed my glucose a little below 70, but unfortunately I didn't start using a glucose meter at home until I started my juice fasting. I did check it right before I started and my glucose was normal, leading me to believe my glucose never really was dipping low.
All I know is high fat caused my problems and eating high carb/low fat healed it. Will that work for everybody? Not saying, but it DID work for me and has never came back.