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I found almost instant relief
fectoid2 Views: 113,732
Published: 13 y
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I found almost instant relief

I agree that lowfat doesn't equal fatty liver, but if fatty liver is present, lowfat may be a long, long road to reversing fatty liver, particularly if cholestasis is involved. The Liver Flushes really "jumpstart" the liver into moving a lot of bile in a short period of time, which breaks the cholestatic cycle. I had a overgrowths of Candida Parapsilosis, Staphylococcus Aureus, and Pseudomonas Auerginosa AND an impaired liver all diagnosed through CDSA. Severe dysbiosis. I avoided fat for years without improvement. The impaired bile flow along with lack of fat in the diet, especially EFA's, only made things worse by leading to Psoriasis infections under my nail cuticles with a smelly discharge, pruritis, groin infections, navel infections, aside from being physically ill.

I discovered the Liver Flush in 2002 on this website and after twenty years of suffering from something that was totally ignored by the mainstream medical community, I found almost instant relief. Two years later, I qualified for the Boston Marathon as a result of my newfound energy. That's all the evidence that I personally need, but there are plenty of testimonials on this website if you need more. I'm here to help others, not to debate, but it's hard not to get sucked in by those who are critical of the liver flush, witout ever having performed one. There's a Liver Flush debate forum set up for debates. I tried the lowfat approach and can attest to its failure in my case.

Again, Liver Flushes only require less than 2 days worth of the USDA recommended daily intake of calories from fat, and it's consumed on one day over a two week period, not a "ton" which is 2,000lbs. One-half cup of olive oil, which is about 840 calories, just once, not every day.

I'm reinforcing that Candida sufferers whose livers are overloaded, should investigate the potential benefits of a liver cleanse.



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