Re: 2 days on...
I DO plan on another flush in a week or so. I spoke to a holistic friend yesterday and he said doing 3 (at the very least)-5 days of apple juice ahead of time will "prep" the ducts in the liver to EXPEL and not just shift around the unwanted toxins.
I am also going to mix a bit of a.j. with my ES water to help with the drinking process.
I have incorporated some yoga moves specifically designed to massage the internal organs (gently) and this has provided some "relief" as well. I do know that my eczema (which is what started me looking into the flush to begin with)has ever so slightly diminished, so I am thinking the next flush will give me even greater results. I had done a
parasite cleanse (totally clueless that it would be helpful/recommended BEFORE a flush is done) but I will definitely need to do another one in a month or so.
parasite cleanses need at least 3 mos between.
I will be subscribing to the understanding of cleanse/flush, rejuvenate, cleanse/flush, rejuvenate .... etc. Learning to be patient and "listen" (and then subsequently dealing with)the after effects of the cleanse/flushes is as informative for me as the cleanse/flush its self.
All the while, meditating and inviting loving, healing energy to uncover the areas that need attention most. It has become important to me to THANK my body for allowing me to disturb it a bit to achieve beneficial results. It likes it when I THANK it! :)