Re: 2 days on...
Not to barge in front of Crane (my apologies) ....
I did my first flush on Tuesday myself. Felt out of whack for a couple of days, but today is greatly improved! Though I used coconut oil (I have a hard time swallowing EVOO) and did not produce but a handful of stones, I do feel that I have moved things about. I bought LIGHT
OO (Olive-Oil) for the next time. I just read that they each have different "active ingredients" and produce similar but varying results.
Pineapple, mainly because of it's digestive properties anyway, helped my stomach settle. I just happened to have one pre-cut from my local organic store.
One thing I have been doing that has NOT been mentioned very commonly is apply Reiki. I am a Reiki III practitioner and by calming the mind and energy around my liver, I am able to relax while it rejuvenates.
Hope this all helps.