Re: About to perform first liver flush. My story and reaching out for much needed advice/insights
Wow. Glad to see that you are seeing improvements. How long have you been actively pursuing alternative methods?
It's interesting that you mention cutting out soy because I was becoming intolerant to it. I actually cut it out for a while and have only reintroduced it very sporadically. I actually use yacon syrup and like it a lot, but I barely use any type of sweeteners. I think i've lost my sweet tooth. It's something I no longer really care for. lol
I guess I'll start taking salmon or krill oil. The only reason i started taking the flax oil was because it's something my naturopath recommended. Not sure why though. In terms of the greens, it was recommended by the person at the health food store and it had a lot of positive reviews online so I went for it. I stopped taking it recently though since it was dragging me down a bit as well. I guess it's not ideal for people like us with weaker systems.
I guess I'll try the
coffee enemas since i read they help rid the body of toxins. I've thought about using coconut oil for a while but haven't really. I guess I should start. Sometimes I feel like I've built up a wall and not try anything new. lol
As for the hormones, I'm sure my hormones are unbalanced. Like i was telling aquarian warrior, some of my hormone levels are off, but the supplements seem to make me feel worse as i take them for a longer period of time. I'm assuming because my liver can't handle it.
Speaking of liver, I just did my first
Liver Flush but it was a failure =( i posted about it here:
I'll still try the liver flushes, but am wondering if you have any clue as to what I can do in between flushes to help gain weight. I assume i'm losing weight because my liver is stuffed. And without the bile, i can't digest foods which make sense because i feel miserable after i eat (especially fatty, protein, or oily foods) and my stool floats. I also am constipated which i read can be a result of bile insufficiency. I believe i have enough fiber so i dont think that's the issue.
I really do believe a lot of my issues are from a lack of nutrients and lack of elimination. I feel like my body is always starving. That's what makes me so sad about the failed liver flush. I'm still going to try , but any idea what else might help? Do you know anything about taking ox bile? Seems like it helps, but I want to make sure it won't decrease my body's own bile production.
It's mind boggling how many different aspects there are to consider. I thought for the longest time eating salads meant you were healthy. i was so wrong. LOL
Thanks for all your time and help!