What an interesting debate if one can call it that.At the end of the day we have to access anything to with health with rational logic. If we dont know the answers we research, research and research, and after reading all the comments about good or bad of consuming distilled water or not we come to a conclusion. I drink distilled water.Why should i consume other water with contaminents in them. They also have minerals in them which I beleive are beneficial. How ever I, for me, drink distilled water and have for the last 6 or so years but realizing there are trace eliments missing get what i feel my body requires from KNOWING what minerals/elements are in the food i eat. And then i even use organic herbal supplements from the garden to add to my well being. What i also do now, and of which i always add to my distilled drinking water is various herbs, whether in be in a tea or a juice orange /lemon or what ever, to make up for the lack of beneficicial trace elements in distilled water. I follow my body insticts. By the way , i have to give MH the "yeh" of the day as i never added to my cold water until he mentioned it in another post not to long back. Roger, from down under.