Monsanto brought in 7 trucks of fake research
When Monsanto pesticide company was sued years ago (who hasn't sued Monsanto?)
Monsanto's defense was to hire 7 Brinks trucks to transport and dump hundreds of thousands of pages of fake biased research papers on the court and plaintiffs to refute.
Monsanto went to every hungry starving no money strapped PhD graduate student and every hungry md and PAID$$$ CASH GRANTS $$$ to these poor, no money, desperately needing money, graduate students and mon paid $$$$ to sell out money hungry greedy mds and researchers to publish page after page of misconstrued faulty research reports stating Monsantos poisonous ready round up, monsantos similar to alar poison on apples, monsantos bovine growth hormones in cows milk,etc etc etc were yummy yummy good and did not retard and ill effect and poison the mice that ate monsantos poison pesticides, even if it did.
I think Monsanto could have paid "xperts" to say eating the ready round up poison was yummier then the fresh crop. No one believed monsantos fake research and monsanto and its 7 brinks trucks of fake xpert data, pages of fake paid for biased inconclusive data did not help mon win their case. Organic farmers still refuse monsantos poison.
Sometimes when I hear the word professional or pro or expert, I think of hired gun hit men, pros. Don't hired gun hit men call themselves pro's and professionals, or experts, as in expert hired gun hit man?
What you always want is INDEPENDANT research that is easily verifiable, duplicatable and repeatable by other researchers. Special interest funded research is not worth the paper it is printed on.
Try this, put your goldfish in tap water, springwater and distilled water and see which ones live the longest and healthiest all other things considered equal, same food, same goldfish age etc. This is not a fool proof test of course but it gives an idea of how we can do our own imperical, self testing, and not have to rely on others published works. Subjective, knowing your own body and how you feel is always best test. Trust yourself.