In defense of MH, its his board, and I've seen him many times write "don't take his word for it" and "people don't have to agree with me 100%". I think he fairly promotes self-education and to come to your own conclusions. Read and educate yourself, make your own herbs etc. I am one of the few lemmings that doesn't agree with MH 100%, so I share your frustration at times. Most here drink and swallow it like God's gospel. Their choice. Most of his health stuff is spot on though.
As for distilled water not being found in nature anywhere, I am not so sure about that. Rain water is distilled but no longer pure. Fruit juice contains distilled water as well. Here's a take on it I tend to agree with:
As for 19236, try to ignore the freaks. There are plenty of them on this board and curezone, and they offer nothing but needless alarmism, fear, paranoia and useless negativity (Counter-productive to becoming healthy in my opinion).