Re: The study does *not* prove your point!
This was a case of accidental poisoning with *inorganic* Hg. Inorganic Hg does not cross the blood brain barrier to any significant extent without assistance from something else such as lipoic acid or whatever chelator is in cilantro.
We get organic Hg from fish and vaccines which readily crosses the bbb and sometimes gets converted to inorganic Hg in the brain. The resulting inorganic Hg is essentially trapped there--half life of 20+ yrs.
The child got treatment rather soon after the incident so less of the Hg was in locations such as certain hormone receptors that hold onto Hg very tightly. DMSA, even with infrequent doses would get rid of the Hg in the blood nicely.
Often people who say there were no sfx to taking chelators infrequently don't know Hg symptoms well. They then attribute brain-related Hg symptoms to something else.
This discussion is an example.
Remember that taking lipoic acid or cilantro infrequently is likely to be even more dangerous since they are likely to carry Hg *into* the brain as seen in the following double blind study on mice. Cutler comments on it here.
Cutler on One Day Rounds of Chelation
"Empirically it is observed with adults that when they do one day
cycles they get more "psychiatric" symptoms of the schizo-affective
disorder and related problems type. If they do 3 day cycles this
seems not to happen. They do clear out a lot of mercury and many of
their symptoms do improve on 1 day cycles, but due to this psychiatric
subset (which is quite difficult to measure but pretty easy to
understand if you know the people and interact with them over a period
of time while they do this) worsening I suggest chelation cycles of at
least 3 days."
Dr Amy Holmes' many patients change to 8 hr doses (skip night doses) get worse and then switch back.