Re: My thoughts on the 3 hr. dosing schedule
Don't get excited and start fighting against reasoning that isn't even mine, which you are projecting onto me.
You don't understand many variables and are advocating dangerous advice, then later saying the best approach is to do exactly what you are reasoning against to begin with.
Large doses of DMSA or DMPS can mobilize more mercury into the blood than it can bind.
There are many cases of people taking frequent, large doses who are fine while on the protocol. In fact they feel great. Then, as soon as stopping, they get serious redistribution problems. Who is to say some of the damage they are causing is not permanent?
The goal is always to avoid redistribution. READ AGAIN: if you are experiencing negative reactions from chelation, REDISTRIBUTION is occurring.
Sure, redistribution is bound to happen, but it certainly can be minimized. But NOT by what you are preaching.
You really don't seem to be proving anything with your posts. You say one thing then support the contrary. Please get your reasoning straightened out before someone reads your posts and damages themselves, permanently.
But of course I am not without compassion for you. You are not the first person with mercury in their brain to post on this forum.