you claim that because somebody took the extra large dose of ALA and then felt bad afterwards, that proves that redistribution happened
It doesn't prove anything of the sort. It just proves they had a bad reaction to a large dose of ALA. Like I said LOW DOSE frequent chelation is almost always the best approach. Taking large doses of any chelator is likely to whack out any mercury toxic person. But that has nothing to do with redistribution, it has to do with the fact that your body simply isn't able to handle that amount of mercury being dislodged and move through its system
As for the rest of your post, it's almost entirely off topic to what I posted
You're discussing the specific actions of ALA versus DMSA etc.
Okay fine, if you think ALA is a weaker chelator than DMSA, they just substitute DMSA in my post everywhere you see ALA. The logic regarding the three hour dosing schedule still holds up.