Supplements:undecenoic acid (sf722,candida force) start out with 1 capsule -build up to tolerance, Vitamin C powder 12 grams for a emergency flush( flush out a bad die off or bad reaction with something), Betonite clay to help with a meal that is too spicy/fatty that is upsetting your gut= 1 tablespoon w 8 oz of water, Potassium sorbate( buy powder on line)= 1 capsule if you ever cheat with sugar/carbs to stop the fermentation process. (Dont do pot. sorbate regularly it may interefere with probiotc fermentation. Probiotics: mccombs probiotic or renew life 30 billion/80 billion take after you experience no more to little die off with antifungals.
Diet:refer to above postings, adjust your carbs/brown rice if you get too constipated. Coconut oil start out with 1 teaspoon then work your way up to 5 tablespoons a day. I did 4 tablespoons last sunday and had really bad die-off all day) not ready for that much yet.