Bee wilders website has a good outline of a candida diet-- so does the mccombs plan. On bee wilders diet I cant do a lot of fatty red meat or butter. On the mccombs plan I cant do brown rice or fruit( I dont do well with fructose). Spectrum palm oil seems to be a easy fat for me to digest. Coconut oil seems to be easy to digest, but too much of it will cause a decent detox. I can do red meat once every 4 days. Occasionally I do prunes for constipation. I can tolerate the prunes because they have potassium sorbate in them which stops the fermentation of the fructose. Bee wilder also explains which foods to eat for macronutrients. But you have to eat what agrees with your digestive system. Jjuice/cook some deep green leafy veggies for a good amount of nutrients.
Too much protein can be constipating...Fats=diarreah/hard on digestion depending on liver/gallbladder function/.... simple carbs=blood sugar imbalances
Adjust the % according to your digestion/bowel movements.