My diet is pretty extreme right now. I eat chicken breast, low fat tilapia, coconut oil,palm oil, Deep green leafy veggie juice, one day of every 4 days ill do pork , chicken, duck, eggs. Occasionally zucchini, romaine lettuce,celery. I try not to snack-- I use to snack on pork skins, but no longer eat them because they are fried in bad oil and were giving me acne. My diet is very limited but I dont want to give the candida much of anything. I wont even do the veggies that have a fair amount of fructose. I just want to get rid of this crap even if i have to eat the most boring diet there is. Most others can do more carbs than me but im trying to limit my carbs as much as possible. I get colonics done to help with any constipation. Candida seems to prefer carbs over protein/fat. But I've learned some carbs are necessary, because if i do only protein/fat the candida might produce too much ammonia/some other type of by-product? from trying to ferment the high amount of protein. If you give it a small amount of carbs it seems to ignore the protein more.