what is your evening diet/supplement routine like? Avoid any anti-fungals or stimulating foods/foods that increase metabolism later at night. Late night eating can disturb sleep-- depending on what you eat.
All the research basically boils down to eating foods that do not give candida fast burning fuel/ability to ferment the food quickly. Low glycemic diet is the key. Create your own diet by figuring out what foods agree with you the most. I had to eat single foods on a empty stomach for quite some time to figure out what agreed with me the most. Any foods that caused "extreme" bloating I avoided. Mild bloating can be a die-off at times but i learned that anything that caused extreme bloating and made my meal sit there half the day---I avoided.
Everyone can be slighlty different with their diet depending on how sensitive their GI tract is and what their flora makeup is. Ive learned to eat foods that increase metabolism early in the day and relaxing foods at night. Example: Coconut oil/ meat early in the day. Low fat tilapia/lettuce evening. Eat your higher fat/sodium meals earlier in the day. Eat your low sodium/ low fat/ high mineral foods at night.
Some people have problems with brown rice because of how starchy it is. Its like fruit--some with candida can tolerate fruit ..others cant-- it just depends on where your at with your candida. People with mild candida might be able to tolerate more fruit+brown rice. People with extreme candida might be able to tolerate no fruit+brown rice.
On bee wilders website she recommends about 75-80% good fats 10-15% protein 5-10% carbs. She believes that the body should burn fats/oil for energy instead of carbs for energy. She states that the body can use 58% of protein and turn it into glucose. (Protein can be converted into glucose). She also explains how to get your macronutrients, Go to her website for more info. If your worried about your weight you might want to try more coconut oil/palm oil-because it helps speed up your metabolism + is a good source of calories. Trying to calculate an exact percentage of your diet is trying to fit one shoe for everyone. Everyones % is going to be different depending on how your body metabolizes fats/ how sensitive your GI tract is. The idea is to limit your fast burning carbs until your candida is under control. People with candida have to adjust their % depending on their level of candida. People with extreme candida might have to eat a high fat/oil diet but again it depends on each individuals digestive system/flora makeup.
Bee wilders website has a good outline of a candida diet-- so does the mccombs plan. On bee wilders diet I cant do a lot of fatty red meat or butter. On the mccombs plan I cant do brown rice or fruit( I dont do well with fructose). Spectrum palm oil seems to be a easy fat for me to digest. Coconut oil seems to be easy to digest, but too much of it will cause a decent detox. I can do red meat once every 4 days. Occasionally I do prunes for constipation. I can tolerate the prunes because they have potassium sorbate in them which stops the fermentation of the fructose. Bee wilder also explains which foods to eat for macronutrients. But you have to eat what agrees with your digestive system. Jjuice/cook some deep green leafy veggies for a good amount of nutrients.
Too much protein can be constipating...Fats=diarreah/hard on digestion depending on liver/gallbladder function/.... simple carbs=blood sugar imbalances
Adjust the % according to your digestion/bowel movements.
Dont rely on other websites to plan your exact diet. With the diets you have to " modify " the diets to what works best for you. Of course its frustrating-everyone of us can be slightly different with what we can eat/cannot eat. Thats part of the misery of dealing with candida. The basic idea is a low glycemic diet. Bee wilders idea is the more fats/oils( beneficial fatty acids) you can eat in one day the faster you will get rid of candida. Because fats/oils are more anti-fungal than carbs/protein. I wish i could do her high fat/oil diet but im not in a position to do that yet. She recommends 5 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. I can see why because coconut oil helps to keep your metabolism up and it helps to fight the candida. Im definetly noticing a difference as im working my way up to 2-3 tablespoons a day. Its helping my metabolism and seems to be helping with the candida(so far at least). Beneficial fatty acids are your friend when your battling candida.
Coconut oil helps with skin appearance. Coconut oil should not make you constipated, but harder to digest animal fats might cause more constipation. Acne is usually a result of bad fats/overheated fats or just eating too much hard to digest fats.
Die-off can be mild bloating, but the bloating goes away faster .
Feeding the candida/fermentation=extreme bloating that just sits in your gut for hours.
If your going to eat some grains take some coconut oil/undecenoic acid with it-- this should help minimize the counterproductivity. Mccombs does say brown rice is ok. So if thats the grain that agrees with you do it.
Last summer i stopped doing coconut oil and was part of the reason I relapsed.
My diet is pretty extreme right now. I eat chicken breast, low fat tilapia, coconut oil,palm oil, Deep green leafy veggie juice, one day of every 4 days ill do pork , chicken, duck, eggs. Occasionally zucchini, romaine lettuce,celery. I try not to snack-- I use to snack on pork skins, but no longer eat them because they are fried in bad oil and were giving me acne. My diet is very limited but I dont want to give the candida much of anything. I wont even do the veggies that have a fair amount of fructose. I just want to get rid of this crap even if i have to eat the most boring diet there is. Most others can do more carbs than me but im trying to limit my carbs as much as possible. I get colonics done to help with any constipation. Candida seems to prefer carbs over protein/fat. But I've learned some carbs are necessary, because if i do only protein/fat the candida might produce too much ammonia/some other type of by-product? from trying to ferment the high amount of protein. If you give it a small amount of carbs it seems to ignore the protein more.
Every 4th day I can do a higher fat meat. Have to go on the diet until i can do an anti-fungal and have very little to no die-off reaction. Then i will slam the probiotics. Then will slowly do more carbs once i feel things a more under control. (Probiotics need more carbs/fiber)
Im taking coconut oil and undecenoic acid. The coconut oil gives me plenty of die-off. Jeff mccombs has about 1000 times more knowledge than almost all doctors. Doctors just give you some diflucan/nystatin+maybe align probiotic and push you out the door.
Not exactly doing mccombs plan. Cant do fruit,brown rice, some starchy veggies i dont do. I just have the undececnoic acid as far as supplements go.
I found out that the probiotics dont successfully colonize until the candida is down to a minimum. Not cost effective either. Coconut oil seems to be more effective than the probiotics right now.
If i reach the point of ridding the yeast i will go on a maintenace phase of coconut oil/probiotics for a while or do the coconut oil indefinetly as a part of my daily diet. After this i will begin on heavy metal detox/rebuilding the intestinal tract.
Ive tried just about everything.
Supplements:undecenoic acid (sf722,candida force) start out with 1 capsule -build up to tolerance, Vitamin C powder 12 grams for a emergency flush( flush out a bad die off or bad reaction with something), Betonite clay to help with a meal that is too spicy/fatty that is upsetting your gut= 1 tablespoon w 8 oz of water, Potassium sorbate( buy powder on line)= 1 capsule if you ever cheat with sugar/carbs to stop the fermentation process. (Dont do pot. sorbate regularly it may interefere with probiotc fermentation. Probiotics: mccombs probiotic or renew life 30 billion/80 billion take after you experience no more to little die off with antifungals.
Diet:refer to above postings, adjust your carbs/brown rice if you get too constipated. Coconut oil start out with 1 teaspoon then work your way up to 5 tablespoons a day. I did 4 tablespoons last sunday and had really bad die-off all day) not ready for that much yet.