Re: Please help! Infected Wound - could lose leg
I can see that you're a very sincere & caring person (and I certainly appreciate you taking the time to help and offer advise in the best way you know how :) But I must explain that this forum is dedicated to truly natural healing, and as such, we do our best to avoid unnatural substances, such as isolated minerals/nutrients, metals (no matter what the size, colloidal or otherwise), ground up rocks, etc. Colloidal silver is not a natural substance and it can kill many microorganisms in the body that are useful.
Garlic is very effective for MRSA and virtually every pathogen of which I'm aware. Joe has been given very good advice since his accident (and in this thread).
Joe can't take activated charcoal as you suggest, because he's weaning off an addictive pharmaceutical. If he took more than the tiniest bit, it would throw him into severe withdrawals.
If you're interested, here's an excellent link for understanding what this forum is all about [FAQ] What is Natural Healing?: Working File Thread...and how to stay within the concepts of this forum when/if you post here.
Unyquity (who is happy that you & your husband know to stay away from doctors & drugs!)