yup. I agree. Echinacea, LOTS of garlic..I would go to just juicing for a time--add the garlic to a spoonful of juice. Add ginger and parsley...
Get the nutrients in without troubling the digestive energies, which are needed elsewhere. Praise the body for doing such good work!!! such as fighting infection with all its powers. You'd be amazed at what an effect this can have. It's no different from a child being praised, as opposed to being all contracted in fear.
Its holiness -or WHOLENESS- comes back online, so to speak.
The body CAN heal itself, if we stop doing what harms, and start supporting it.
I would do EFT at any and ALL times, for combating fear and fear-based mindsets-such as doctors are caught in, and reacting to.
I would maybe pour some hydrogen peroxide on the wound, before putting Echinacea on it. But you might not want to...