Re: Too many problems
I have had most of your problems and the underlying cause was gluten sensitivity - Celiac Disease and non-celiac sprue and an allergy to cows milk. Make sure that you have had complete testing for this common problem. See
for a list of tests.
The 'screen saver ' effect in me was caused by mold/yeast toxins.
Hulda Clark advised using high doses of Vit C and avoiding all foods and which contain these toxins and finding and fixing all places where olds might be growing in your home. I have found that intestinal overgrowths of yeasts worsen this problem. Often commercially prepared foods, supplements and grains grown in the US contain these toxins. Find a good supplement for eye health - most of them contain eyebright, gingko, Vit A, Rutin, Zinc. Sleep with your head flat or on a small pillow helps increase circulation to the eyes as will relaxing neck muscles and keeping your neck warm.
Ribbon like stools are due to constrictions in the intestine. If the anus is constricted it helps to relax it by putting your hands beside your hips on the toilet seat and raising your body while having a bm. Do Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles used to push a bm out.
When I have yeast overgrowths I see tiny white balls in the stool. Recently I have been using Pau d'arco and using laxatives and salt water flushes, magnesiom laxatives, castor oil and the tiny balls have disappeared and the gas and bloating almost gone.
Hope this helps.