Re: no anger, no worries
Anne, I was just thinking about you saying you were furious--
that sounds like a liver response; I'm serious here;I wonder if the
coffee enemas could just be causing anger to be released. I mean directionless anger that is simply stored in the liver and gets triggered by something 'out there'. Like my post. When you take them as part of the Gerson protocol, you take lots of juice...and the body naturally moves a lot of what gets released OUT. I do wonder though, about the
Coffee-Enema and the WF.
interesting, eh? (well, maybe to read later, when you have more energy)
I always find that what lifts me out of any kind of contracted state of feeling down, or uptight, as they say,or whatever, is either getting curious; just interested in seeing clearly, ('cause cuiosity is a wholesome and expansive state) or, focussing on the wish that perhaps my 'feeling bad' can free someone else from theirs. It's a form of imagination, but it leads to building good thoughts.
Anyway, thank you for your post, which has reminded me of these things, and of how easily we misperceive, and build walls that have no actual foundation. Think of a world doing this, all the time! It's a miracle anything good happens.
literally, "it's all a dream!" :-)