Re: Would love to fast... but find it so difficult.
Anne, I had a dream awhile ago, in which I saw a girl who I knew had misinterpreted something she'd heard--some words, and had built a whole long reaction around them, of negativity. I clearly saw, in this dream, that she had simply entirely misperceived what was said...and I went over to tell her. Very excited, and feeling like she was like my daughter or something--absolutely no feelings but relief and happiness at seeing through the whole thing.
When I went to take her by the shoulders, in a kind of embrace, saying "but don't you see, you just heard it all wrong; your perceptions were not correct, (and knowing that it would utterly shift her world) I lifted her up, and she was very small, like child-sized. Whichofcourse, made the whole thing so clear to me, symbolically.
This was one of those 'big' dreams, for me. I tend to have a lot of them. So, I haven't actually read your previous post---I opened this one; and I won't. Why not just delete it, if you want. How's that.
It's thanksgiving weekend here. beautiful and blessed feeling. Send good thoughts to all the poor turkeys, and all will be well. (well, we can only wish...):-)
best, C
\\PS--I actually was just thinking, gee, 2-3 minutes is not much, in terms of energy--and wondering what the fuller effects might be.