Hi Chiron,
I think that I did a bad job explaining the result of a coffee enema.
I used it once last Wednesday, once last Thursday and once last Friday (yesterday), as soon as I noticed the slightest weakness.
On Wednesday at noon I started with pure
water enema to get rid of anything in my bowel. There was almost no remnants of any stool, mainly several undigested and not properly ground flax seeds and a small amount of bile.
I used
coffee enema after a liquid flowing out the anus was totally clear. When all coffee was in my bowel, I got in the bath tub already filled with water. (I usually add baking soda, Epson salt and
Sea Salt to improve the elimination of toxins through the skin). At that moment (perhaps 2-3 min after I started coffee enema) I noticed that my weakness started to disappear. It is strange that I felt better so soon because 12-15 min is required to remove toxins.
I spent at least 20-30 min relaxing; my tub is so huge that it allows me to lie in a fully supine position. All the time I performed a gentle massage of my abdomen, first against the direction of the bowel movement (to facilitate the movement of coffee up the bowel), and after 10-15 min - in the opposite direction (to facilitate the flow of coffee down the bowel to remove it from the body). Soon, after perhaps 10-15 min I felt the urge for BM - I eliminated coffee (probably mixed with the bile but liquid was so dark that it is hard to tell). I was full of energy for the rest of Wednesday.
Sometimes I use the other method (that is supposed to be better) to facilitate the flow of coffee in the proper direction in the bowel. The first 12-15 min I spend not on my back but on the right side with my knees close to the chest. Then I change my position to the left side. However, I always perform the massage in the appropriate direction to control the time (I use shampoo to achieve the smooth, gliding motion).
coffee enema should be removed promptly after 12-15 min because after this time frame the toxins are slowly re-entering the blood and will not be removed rectally. Time is very important.
I repeated the above described procedure on Thursday and Friday, except that time of a day was slightly different and that I skipped pure water enema. The result was the same - I eliminated coffee mixed with bile and, again, my weakness disappeared promptly and did not return until next day.