Hi Rainy, 12 oz IS a lot. I havent measured it so it is probably less -6-8oz. Some days very little and more veggie juice other days I have no time to juice. Mostly just 4-7 table-spoonfulls but honey is very heavy so I am sure it's heavier than it seems to be.(I have a tiny jar here that says 12 oz but it's less volume than a 8 oz glass- honey is sooo dense) Your body would not desire too much of it. There is a debate about if it should be taken straight or diluted. As far as I know older societies recommend diluted. I normally take it after veggie juice, tea or water. I think it's an easier 3 day fast -plus it has healing properties but every body is different so just try to be intuitive. Honey is the only food that will never go bad and its used to preserve other foods plus it seems to have prebiotics properties not to mention honey never molds. Quite cool. BEST