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Quoteworthy quotes about disease and symptoms

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Quoteworthy quotes about disease and symptoms

OK, I'm back.  Actually I had to get Luella to transpose some material from hard copy for me before sharing what I wanted.  Here 'tis:

“What do you think the medical profession is built on?  Confusion, chaos and mystery!  Their strategy is to get you to believe that there are 10,001 different diseases all needing outside intervention from drugs and surgery, when the truth is that there is only one disease – CELLULAR MALFUNCTION.”

“Antoine Bechamp was able to show scientifically that it’s not the bacteria or the viruses themselves that produce disease; they are an aftermath of diseased tissue.  Germs are the chemical by-products and constituents of pleomorphic microorganisms enacting upon the unbalanced, malfunctioning cell metabolism and dead tissue that actually produces disease.  So once again, disease-associated  microorganisms do not originally produce a disease condition any more than mosquitoes cause a stagnant swamp.  The diseased, acidic, low-oxygen cellular environment is created by a toxic/nutrient  deficient diet, toxic emotions, and a toxic lifestyle.  This supports the morbid changes of germs to bacteria, bacteria to viruses, viruses to fungal forms and fungal forms to cancer cells in the body.  Had Bechamp’s breakthrough discoveries been incorporated into current medical curriculum, it would have meant a virtual elimination of disease and the end of the pharmaceutical industry.”

- Quotes by Gary Tunsky from his book “The Battle for Health if Over pH.””

Also, from Tunsky's interview in the May/June issue of The Crusador:

"With over twenty plus years of extensive culminating research in diverse fields of cellular disease pathology, I have discovered there are five conditions that cause poor health.  The first three only account for approximately 5% of all the health problems that plague America.  They are:

1. Hereditary weakness (genetic predispositions).
2. Congenital deformity.
3. Permanent organ injury (accidents and sports injuries).

The other two, or remaining 95% that are the direct cause of mankind’s disease and suffering are caused by Cellular Toxicities and Cellular Insufficiencies, over which the principles of cellular cleansing, healthy diet and lifestyle play a tremendous role.  These two pillars which hold up the temple of disease are primarily the result of the toxic adjuvants and foreign DNA from multiple vaccinations starting from birth, toxic mercury poisoning from amalgam dental fillings, an impoverished/nutrient deficient diet, inverted way of living, continuous exposure to toxic air, environmental contaminants, food and beverage contaminants, toxic chemicals from water (chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, heavy metals, petroleum distillates, etc.); and an extensive list of toxins contained in cosmetics, toiletries, and household cleaners.

Cellular Toxicities and Cellular Insufficiencies never occur separately, they always occur together in combination and have a compounding effect where one plus one does not equal two, but equals 10, 20 or 100 times the health wrecking potency when you combine thousands of low-dose chemicals in the bloodstream.

As cellular contamination (toxins), nutritional deficiencies and cellular insufficiencies progress, they place the cells, tissues, organs, systems, and eventually the entire body into a state of stress, disorder, or Dis-Ease.  When the cells malfunction and cannot perform their tasks, organ malfunction eventually occurs with a resulting cascading system malfunction; eventually leading to body malfunction."

And, one of my favorite collected quotes:

“Most diseases are the result of medication that has been applied to relieve and take away a beneficient and warning symptom on the part of Nature."

- Elbert Hubbard




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