Re: and one must wonder...
>>"supprised that you of all people would support supplemenation with an isolated lab created "vitamin" which is really more of a hormone. absolutely nothing natural about it... vit d(3) is a lab created hormone marketed as a "vitamin", totally misleading."<<
Did I say that I supported *isolated lab created vitamin* supplementation?
What I do support first and foremost, is an earnest attempt (can take quite a bit of time dependent upon the individual and their need) at nutritional remediation through diet and lifestyle changes.
When I support supplementation (and I have from time to time in certain circumstances)... it is for the purpose of a known deficiency and the inability of the individual to absorb and\or metabolize their own, due to one or more failures in metabolic malfunction.
Natural forms of supplements do work... that is why pharmaceutical companies are scooping up supplement companies, and patenting their own versions of various supplements... among other things (possible future banning of OTC sales, etc.).
If attempts to remediate nutritional deficiencies with diet and lifestyle fail, or sputter... metabolic issues in individuals *may* warrant supplementation... *my* suggestions would support as natural a form as possible, preferably a concentrated form of whole food, which would contain most (all?) known and unknown cofactors.