Re: It isn't the motive I question, it is the effect
No, DQ, this has nothing to do with my personal feelings, this is just looking at the post without preconceptions about the poster. I look at the words of the post, and thats it. All the nastiness and insults that this poster has endured, is because people have chosen to see the words on the screen through their own perceptive filters. Perhaps my perception is cloudy, (I'm a human being, just like everyone else here), I'll look into that, but by the same token yours could be just as cloudy.
You have said yourself, that BP and the MSM cannot be trusted to tell the truth, and I agree, but there are plenty of vested interests, away from the MSM, BP, and the government, who would like to change people's perceptions, through lies and deceptions, and use the same tactics.
"the message was clearly about doubting that the benzene necessarily came from the oil and corexit when the ONLY possible explanation for 3500 PPM compared to readings in the low to sub parts per billion throughout the US is the oil and dispersants. "
Clearly, (to me), this is how you perceived the message, it is not how I perceived it.
I'm happy to agree to disagree on this topic DQ, and I'll let this be my last post on it, as I don't want this to become the focus, and take the focus away from the message that benzene is a problem for those in the Gulf, and one that needs addressing.