Detoxing Benzene
Add to that 2 very powerful methods of pulling toxins safely and quickly.
Far Infrared Sauna
Clay baths
Also need to get the intenstinal soil maximized so cultured vegetables and Soil based organisms should be utilized.
I also think zeolite is a powerful way to help chelate from the inside out.
The power house is using lemon juice(
citric acid )which is a well known benzene binder and along with niacin, phosphate and vitamin c (natural preferred). About 12 large lemons per one gallon of hungry water (distilled).
Chlorella helps mop up benzene as well.
For minerals, boron, zinc, manganese, and silver will help detox. Best would be colloidal and use sublingually and orally.
I had a friend die long before I knew any of this. Her apartment was next to a leaking underground gasoline tank at a service station. She died of intestinal cancer. She went the mainstream way(chemo etc). They found out after people had problems that there was a leak. Other tenants had health problems ranging from irritable bowel to leukemia.
People need to take exposure to benzene seriously and follow up.