Re: your thoughts on water fasting for "maintenance", considering the environmental load these days...
WD, I was where you were, before my first water fast--two months prior I had been studying and researching health and wholeness for years...but once I 'met' Natural Hygiene it all fell into its simplest place. (Now I see the value of just forgetting a lot of what I'd learned--since it all was coming from a place of trying to fix things, or to compensate for this, by doing that.. whereas NH actually seems to work toward and then from genuine health. Wow!
I jumped in, too. It was all an outgrowth of a ten-day retreat that just naturally shifted my mind towards the WF.
After that retreat, I felt a strong sense I could do 'anything', but mainly, I wanted to move beyond alkl limitations.
I've learned a lot from various people around curezone--Barefoot (MH) is close to being a Natural Hygiener, for instance -and shakes people out of their hypnosis- though he wouldn't call himself one...And he (probably correctly) thinks the
Water Fast is way too intense. He favours a 40-day orange fast to rebuild the body.
Anyway--enjoy all the good reading. I have been! Wish more people would look into it before -and during- their water fasts--it would situate them in so much more certainty about the whole thing, and make it a much kinder experience.
That you did the 40 days, though--it's great; a fabulous breakthrough--and look how much you've learned.