Re: your thoughts on water fasting for "maintenance", considering the environmental load these days...
Hi Chiron and all,
what do I think once a certain level of health has been achieved by water-only-fasting?
The level of health achieved by water-only-fasting is set at limits determined by the body itself; after all, fasting is only a catalyst or a tool in allowing the body to cleanse and heal at its maximum rate for a given period of time.
Fasting or not, the body is constantly striving towards better and better health and/or the maintenance of health, it is just that fasting greatly aids in this process.
The longer-established and qualified Hygienists state that there is too much emphasis on water-only fasting, with the neglect of the other (just as important) elements in aiding the body to realize its full physical/mental/spiritual potential.
The body does not act in isolation with only one element (water-fasting) but thrives on and reaches its health-pinnacle with the aid of these other elements as demanded and required by the body. These include: clean water consumed according to thirst, clean, organic, unprocessed, and unadulterated food, clean fresh air with outdoor living, judicious exercise, judicious sunbathing, adequate rest and sleep, emotional poise, a loving partner, and a purpose in living.
Natural Hygiene is an all-embracing way of life that conforms to our biological/physiological/psychological needs as determined by Nature and God.
The Ultimate lifestyle that conforms to our very existence as living, breathing organic beings.
Is there too much emphasis on water-only-fasting? Yes, absolutely. We ignore the other elements at our peril.
We should also bear in mind that fasting is Natures very own tool for healing and widely employed throughout Nature in times of sickness/injury and famine. Animals in Nature do not fast periodically but for sound reasons of survival.
Humans have the intellect (supposedly) to "reason": a gift endowed from God at Creation, and where we are able to rationalize and premeditate our actions. In so doing we rationalize that it is best to use this intellect instead of acting upon our "instincts". In this scenario we would not have the pre-occupation with fasting as we do now.
Some enlightened individuals were prophetic in their health-stance.......
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease"......
Thomas Edison.
If we were to take an individual responsibility for our own health, then the World would save Billions upon Billions.
I will leave you with some final thoughts..............
fasting (like anything else) can become an obsession, but if used responsibly and sensibly, 12 days twice annually to remove environmental toxins, it takes a back-seat to the other and more important lifestyle options that the body needs and craves for.
Clean-living produces a clean and disease-free body.
Fasting is in vain unless appropriate physiological lifestyle changes are made post-fast...........