I am VERY thankful for your posts. Our story/exposures/experiences are near identical - but I do not have, never have had, the severe chemical sensitivity you're experiencing. Mostly only sensitive to molds, and (I suspect) EMF's, etc. - and highly sensitive at that. Cannot be anywhere near it (mold - hard to stay away from EMF's). I ingested (inhaled/swallowed) loads of mold (turns out it included Aspergillus flavus, and several other strains) - I've posted my labs and can again, but you get the point.) Also feel that the C. krusei was already lurking prior to exposure. Continued to live in that home for several years, enduring hurricanes which blew out windows (Wilma) and flooded my sixth floor mold infested condo (Katrina). I cannot overstate how much I empathize and at the same time appreciate your thougths and experiences. I also believe Itra has been a critical med to saving my life. My weight has dropped below 75 lbs - (I'm 5'8") and I too was hospitalized for refeeding, fed with Sugar - making matters worse.